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Each game can have different objectives in which players agree upon! There are a wide range of objectives but four of the most common will be...

1. Elimination

Unlimited turns until all enemy units are eliminated

2. Points

Fight for 8 turns (or agreed number of turns). At the end of the 8 turns (or agreed number of turns), totaling up the number of points remaining on the battlefield, the player with the highest point wins.

3. Capture the Hill

The player who controls the predesignated point at the end of 8 turns (or agreed number of turns) will win.

If units occupy this point, at the end of 8 turns (or agreed number of turns) each unit will fight to the death.

4. Kill the General

The first team to eliminate the opposing general wins. Both players define the general before the game commences.

Special rule, the enemy general cannot be targeted by ballistics

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