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We are always looking for help!

If you are interested in joining us, drop us an email at

Roles are looking for now!

Champion Units

Every city will have a Champion Unit to spread the word about WarFig.  Think you are a champion email us today at and state what city you are in!


You can never have enough soldiers!  Email us today with what city you are and become a soldier!

Post the Kickerstarter, roles we will need

Sales and marketing

We will need sales and marketing help to spread the word about Warfig.  Even help with getting out product to distributors

2d Artist

We will need 2d Artist to help with card and unit designs, specifically with a Manga focus!

3d Artist

We will making 3d models for the games and will need some help here!  Large unit medieval fantasy units and heros is what we are designing!

Any others?

Want to join but not sure what you want to do?  Reach out!  we Could always use your help

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